Keynote talk I Tuesday 27.8.2024 09:40 - 10:30 Room: Auditorioum 4
On regression with convex classes
Speaker: S. van de Geer   Chair: Peter Winker
Keynote talk II Thursday 29.8.2024 17:40 - 18:30 Room: Auditorioum 4
Quantifying uncertainty with Bayesian deep learning
Speaker: N. Klein   Chair: Sonja Greven
Keynote talk III Friday 30.8.2024 12:10 - 13:00 Room: Auditorioum 4
An extended latent factor framework for ill-posed generalised linear regression
Speaker: T. Krivobokova  Co-authors: G. Finocchio Chair: Maria Brigida Ferraro


Parallel session B: COMPSTAT2024 Tuesday 27.8.2024 11:00 - 12:30

Session CI006 (Special Invited Session) Room: 45
Recent advances in optimal design of experiments Tuesday 27.8.2024   11:00 - 12:30
Chair: Stefanie Biedermann Organizer: Stefanie Biedermann
  A0292:  L. Filova, R. Harman, P. Somogyi
  Computing constrained optimal designs with applications to dose-finding
  A0198:  M. Prus
  Optimizing the allocation of trials to sub-regions in multi-environment crop variety testing for correlated genotypes
  A0375:  K. Schorning
  Optimal designs for state estimation in networks
Session CO082 Room: 44
Text mining Tuesday 27.8.2024   11:00 - 12:30
Chair: Philipp Adaemmer Organizer: Philipp Adaemmer
  A0162:  M. Weinig, U. Fritsche
  Going viral: Inflation narratives and the macroeconomy
  A0189:  J. Rieger
  PETapter: A masked-language-modeling classification head for modular fine-tuning of (large) language models
  A0190:  P. Labonne, L.A. Thorsrud
  Risky news and credit market sentiment
  A0334:  E. Toenjes, C. Funk, C. Haas
  Exploring the predictive capacity of ESG sentiment on official ratings: A few-shot learning perspective
Session CO124 Room: 052
Nonparametric inference and inverse problems Tuesday 27.8.2024   11:00 - 12:30
Chair: Fabian Dunker Organizer: Fabian Dunker
  A0400:  A. Vanhems
  A mollification approach to stabilize econometrics models: Application to deconvolution and random coefficients models
  A0345:  A. Meister
  Nonparametric estimation under Gaussian measurement error with conditionally heteroscedastic variances
  A0268:  K. Proksch, C. Weitkamp, T. Staudt, C. Zimmer, B. Lelandais
  From small scales to large scales: Distance-to-measure density based geometric analysis of complex data
  A0297:  C. Breunig
  Doubly robust Bayesian Difference-in-Differences estimators
Session CC051 Room: 43
Functional data analysis Tuesday 27.8.2024   11:00 - 12:30
Chair: Sonja Greven Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0378:  I. Pavlu, A. Stoecker, A. Czolkova, K. Hron, S. Greven
  Density-on-scalar regression for bivariate distributions in Bayes spaces
  A0450:  S. Skorna, J. Machalova, K. Hron
  Dealing with count zeros in preprocessing of probability density functions
  A0480:  L. Sort, L. Le Brusquet, A. Tenenhaus
  Functional PARAFAC with probabilistic modeling
  A0484:  Q.E. Seifert, E. Bergherr, T. Hepp
  Function-on-scalar regression via first-order gradient-based optimization
Session CC133 Room: 050
Financial time series Tuesday 27.8.2024   11:00 - 12:30
Chair: Alessandra Amendola Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0441:  D. Rosadi, P. Filzmoser, L. Gubu, L. Vemmie Nastiti
  Portfolio optimization using hybrid robust time series clustering and robust mean-variance portfolio selection
  A0479:  P. Hubner, J. Hambuckers
  Which early warning signals predict high-frequency extreme price movements?
  A0391:  R. Yabe
  Wald-type test for conditional moving average unit root
  A0188:  E. Zarova
  Combining caterpillar-SSA methods and mixed frequency data regression for inflation forecasting
Session CC047 Room: 051
Spatial statistics Tuesday 27.8.2024   11:00 - 12:30
Chair: Mattias Villani Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0427:  P. Kuendig, F. Sigrist
  Iterative methods for Vecchia-Laplace approximations for latent Gaussian process models
  A0485:  E. Siviero, G. Staerman, S. Clemencon, T. Moreau
  Flexible inference for spatiotemporal Hawkes processes with general parametric kernels
  A0394:  C. Buelte, L. Leimenstoll, M. Schienle
  Estimation of spatiotemporal extremes via generative neural networks
  A0417:  O. Oyebamiji
  Deep parametric predictive Gaussian processes for uncertainty estimation
Parallel session C: COMPSTAT2024 Tuesday 27.8.2024 14:00 - 15:30

Session CI005 (Special Invited Session) Room: 44
Advanced statistics in risk modelling and high-dimensional estimation (HiTEc) Tuesday 27.8.2024   14:00 - 15:30
Chair: Alessandra Amendola Organizer: Alessandra Amendola
  A0347:  E. Lazar, S. Wang, J. Pan
  Measuring climate-related and environmental risks for equities
  A0315:  M. Podolskij
  Recent advances in high dimensional estimation of diffusion models
  A0167:  M. Caporin, G. Bonaccolto, J. Shahzad
  (Quantile) Spillover indexes: Simulation-based evidence, confidence intervals and a decomposition
Session CO084 Room: 43
Advances in functional and complex data analysis Tuesday 27.8.2024   14:00 - 15:30
Chair: Bo Wang Organizer: Bo Wang
  A0283:  P. Reiss, B. Paul, N. Foa, D. Arbiv
  Interval estimation for continuous-time correlation
  A0287:  M. Gupta
  Bayesian hierarchical latent variable-based modelling for large and complex genomic datasets
  A0385:  P. Wongsa-art
  Cross-national comparisons of Covid-19 lockdown effectiveness: The spatial functional data analysis approach
  A0243:  B. Wang
  Clusterwise nonlinear regression with Gaussian processes methods
Session CO119 Room: 45
Spatio-temporal and network analysis Tuesday 27.8.2024   14:00 - 15:30
Chair: Carsten Jentsch Organizer: Carsten Jentsch
  A0202:  Y. Chen
  Matrix autoregressive model with vector time series covariates for spatio-temporal data
  A0227:  P. Otto
  A multivariate spatial and spatiotemporal ARCH Model
  A0303:  J. Flossdorf, D. Dzikowski, C. Jentsch
  Autoregressive dynamic network modelling with serial and cross-sectional dependence
  A0348:  A. Kreiss, E. Mammen, W. Polonik
  Testing for global covariate effects in dynamic interaction event networks
Session CC138 Room: 050
Change point analysis Tuesday 27.8.2024   14:00 - 15:30
Chair: Roland Fried Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0222:  L. Zhang, R. Drikvandi
  A non-parametric method for high dimensional change point analysis
  A0369:  S. Goerz, R. Fried
  Methods for structural change detection in the trend function of random fields
  A0406:  Z. Yang, P. Fearnhead, I. Eckley
  A fast Bayesian online changepoint detection algorithm
  A0490:  S. Deb
  Nonparametric method of changepoint detection in time series data
Session CC018 Room: 051
Bayesian statistics Tuesday 27.8.2024   14:00 - 15:30
Chair: Mattias Villani Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0184:  F. Frommlet, A. Hubin, G.O. Storvik, J. Lachman
  FBMS: An R package for Flexible Bayesian Model Selection
  A0445:  G. Li, R. Leon-Gonzalez
  Nuisance parameters, modified profile likelihood and Jacobian prior
  A0456:  D. Ghani, N. Heard, F. Sanna Passino
  Approximate learning of parsimonious Bayesian context trees
  A0469:  T. Iesmantas, R. Alzbutas
  Bayesian learning lithium-ion open circuit voltage curve via state-space model
Session CC026 Room: 052
Applied statistics and data analysis Tuesday 27.8.2024   14:00 - 15:30
Chair: Stefanie Biedermann Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0419:  S. Potts, K. Kurz, A. Rappl, E. Bergherr
  Joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data in the social sciences
  A0461:  L. An, B. De Baets, S. Luca
  Group anomaly detection for optimizing urban planning of rental bike services
  A0181:  T. Fung, J. Wang
  Coherent forecast and criminal justice program evaluation in hierarchical time series
  A0429:  L. Knieper, T. Kneib, E. Bergherr
  Spatial confounding in gradient boosting
Parallel session D: COMPSTAT2024 Tuesday 27.8.2024 16:00 - 18:00

Session CO110 Room: 43
IASC Journal of Data Science, Statistics, and Visualisation (JDSSV) session Tuesday 27.8.2024   16:00 - 18:00
Chair: Stefan Van Aelst Organizer: Patrick Groenen, Stefan Van Aelst
  A0232:  M. Hirari, S. Van Aelst, M. Hubert, F. Centofanti
  Robust multiway PCA for casewise and cellwise outliers
  A0248:  A. Maharaj, P. Brito, P. Teles
  Comparison of interval time series
  A0309:  I. Kalogridis, S. Nagy
  Robust functional regression with discretely sampled predictors
  A0324:  S. Leyder, J. Raymaekers, P. Rousseeuw
  Is distance correlation robust?
  A0337:  S. Van Aelst, T. Verdonck, B. Yang
  Interpretable cost-sensitive ensembling
Session CO086 Room: 44
Clustering of complex data structures (HiTEc) Tuesday 27.8.2024   16:00 - 18:00
Chair: Maria Brigida Ferraro Organizer: Maria Brigida Ferraro
  A0156:  A. Lopez Oriona
  Fuzzy clustering of circular time series based on a new dependence measure with applications to wind data
  A0312:  M. Ranalli, F. Martella
  Biclustering of ordinal data through a composite likelihood approach
  A0351:  C. Rampichini
  Two-step clustering: A new method in the sequential deep clustering approach
  A0380:  P. McNicholas
  Clustering three-way data
  A0381:  M. van de Velden, C. Cavicchia, A. Iodice D Enza, A. Markos
  Unbiased mixed variables distance
Session CO088 Room: 45
Reliable prediction models for challenging data Tuesday 27.8.2024   16:00 - 18:00
Chair: Garth Tarr Organizer: Garth Tarr
  A0210:  F. Feser, M. Evangelou
  Sparse-group SLOPE: Adaptive bi-level selection with FDR-control
  A0212:  S. Muller, B. Liquet, S. Moka, H. Zhu
  Subset selection via continuous optimization
  A0221:  M. Demosthenous, C. Gatu, E. Kontoghiorghes
  Computational strategies for regression model selection in the high-dimensional case
  A0273:  I. Joudah, S. Muller, H. Zhu
  Efficient stability screening for ultra-high dimensional data
  A0373:  Z. Jiao, Y. Lee
  Assessment of case influence in the Lasso with a case-weight adjusted solution path
Session CO118 Room: 052
Statistical methods for energy and transport data Tuesday 27.8.2024   16:00 - 18:00
Chair: Roland Fried Organizer: Roland Fried
  A0229:  D. Witthaut
  Statistics of the power grid frequency
  A0343:  A. Arsova, S. Pappert
  Probabilistic forecasting and reconciliation of wind turbine power
  A0364:  N. Ludwig
  Probabilistic forecasting of energy time series with diffusion models
  A0319:  J. Gonzalez-Ordiano, M. Santos-Moreno, K. Obermeier-Velazquez, L. Cortes-Munoz, J. Asse-Amiga, L. Corral-Corona
  Statistical methods for power demand and consumption time series at household level in Mexico
  A0470:  K. Lubashevsky, I. Okhrin, S. Huber, S. Lissner
  Analyzing the route choice of cyclists using machine learning models
Session CC055 Room: 050
High-dimensional statistics Tuesday 27.8.2024   16:00 - 18:00
Chair: Stefan Sperlich Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0241:  S. Doehler
  A unified class of null proportion estimators with plug-in FDRcontrol
  A0478:  I. Ullah, A. Welsh
  Noise and overfitting: A new perspective on the predictive performance of a linear model
  A0435:  H. Kobayashi, M. Okabe, H. Yadohisa
  Graph-linked unified embedding considering label information
  A0502:  N. Hernandez, T. Fearn, Y. Choi
  Optimizing interval PLS via GP regression
  A0186:  T.Q. Asenso, M. Zucknick
  Accounting for population heterogeneity by modeling interactions with the pliable lasso
Session CC135 Room: 051
Machine learning for applications Tuesday 27.8.2024   16:00 - 18:00
Chair: Florian Frommlet Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0191:  O. Alpay
  Impact of rarity level and resampling techniques on machine learning classification performance
  A0194:  I. Aydin, O. Alpay
  On some mathematical foundations of machine learning algorithm and an application
  A0454:  M.D. Ganggayah, E. Barrios, H. Muniandy
  Correlates of suicide ideation among young adults: Insights from machine learning algorithms
  A0286:  S. Cakar, F. Gokalp Yavuz
  Deep learning applications in mental workload classification
  A0376:  A. Alin
  Weighted robust hybrid partial least squares regression forest
Parallel session E: COMPSTAT2024 Wednesday 28.8.2024 09:00 - 10:30

Session CI009 (Special Invited Session) Room: 45
Learning from machine learning by structuring Wednesday 28.8.2024   09:00 - 10:30
Chair: Stefan Sperlich Organizer: Stefan Sperlich
  A0168:  M. Scholz, S. Sperlich, G. Cattani
  Local machine learning for data giants
  A0223:  M. Hiabu, J. Meyer, E. Mammen
  Random planted forest
  A0244:  K. Reluga
  A complete guide to small area learning
Session CO091 Room: 43
Statistical models and algorithms for survival data Wednesday 28.8.2024   09:00 - 10:30
Chair: Ambra Macis Organizer: Ambra Macis
  A0238:  M. Restaino
  Feature screening and selection in competing risks models
  A0272:  T. Sugimoto
  Estimation and log-rank testing procedure via bivariate survival copula models under semi-competing risk
  A0336:  G. Briseno Sanchez, N. Klein, A. Mayr, A. Groll
  Boosting distributional copula regression for right-censored bivariate time-to-event data
  A0365:  T. Matcham
  Predicting patient trajectories with deep multi-state models trained on electronic health record data
Session CO090 Room: 44
Advances in functional statistics (HiTEc) Wednesday 28.8.2024   09:00 - 10:30
Chair: Enea Bongiorno Organizer: Enea Bongiorno, Kwo Lik Lax Chan
  A0296:  D. Hlubinka, Z. Hlavka, P. Coupek, V. Dolnik
  Fourier approach to goodness-of-fit tests for Gaussian random processes
  A0333:  A. Caponera, A. Stoecker, V. Panaretos
  Spherical functional autoregressive models for global aircraft-based atmospheric measurements
  A0342:  S. Novo, G. Aneiros
  fsemipar: An R package for SoF semiparametric regression
  A0360:  V. Masarotto
  Transportation-based change point detection and testing for functional covariances
Session CO087 Room: 052
Reliable and accurate statistical solutions for modern complex data Wednesday 28.8.2024   09:00 - 10:30
Chair: Samuel Muller Organizer: Samuel Muller
  A0267:  H. Reimann, S. Moka, G. Sofronov
  Continuous optimization for offline change point detection and estimation
  A0277:  G. Tarr
  Visualising model selection stability
  A0290:  Q. Vu, F. Hui, S. Muller, A. Welsh
  Misspecification matters: Prediction under misspecified random effects distributions in GLMMs
  A0219:  L. Maestrini, J. Scealy, F. Hui, A. Wood
  A multiplicative semiparametric regression solution for non-Euclidean data
Session CC011 Room: 001
Time series Wednesday 28.8.2024   09:00 - 10:30
Chair: Roland Fried Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0169:  J.-M. Freyermuth, A. Dudek, D. Dehay
  Some contributions to harmonizable time series analysis
  A0206:  J.M. Bardet, Y.G. Tchabo MBienkeu
  Quasi-maximum likelihood estimation of causal linear long memory processes
  A0416:  R. Strachan, E. Eisenstat
  Singular vector autoregressions
  A0402:  R. Shankar, G. Tarr, I. Wilms, J. Raymaekers
  Outlier-robust estimation of state-space models using a penalized approach
Session CC140 Room: 050
Categorical data analysis Wednesday 28.8.2024   09:00 - 10:30
Chair: Claudia Kirch Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0457:  H. Takeshima, J. Tsuchida, H. Yadohisa
  Bayesian mixture SEM for ordinal categorical data
  A0471:  J. Hornicek, Z. Sulc, H. Rezankova, J. Cibulkova
  The hierarchical clustering-based method powered by the bootstrap approach for multiple imputations in categorical data
  A0464:  J. Nakano, N. Shimizu, Y. Yamamoto
  A simplification of aggregated symbolic data
Session CC134 Room: 051
Applied and empirical statistics Wednesday 28.8.2024   09:00 - 10:30
Chair: Andreas Artemiou Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0193:  D. Han Aydin
  Performance evaluation of some modified maximum likelihood estimators for power function distribution with outliers
  A0431:  M. Frolova
  Employment of tertiary education graduates: International statistical comparisons
  A0442:  C. Cellan
  Uncovering well-being patterns: An archetypal analysis of development and happiness
  A0453:  J. Sila, L. Kristoufek, J. Kukacka, E. Kocenda
  Detecting and understanding wash trading on cryptocurrency exchanges
Parallel session F: COMPSTAT2024 Wednesday 28.8.2024 11:00 - 12:30

Session CI010 (Special Invited Session) Room: 45
Bayesian computational methods Wednesday 28.8.2024   11:00 - 12:30
Chair: Mattias Villani Organizer: Mattias Villani
  A0332:  C. Andersson Naesseth
  Generative models and approximate Bayesian inference
  A0350:  C. Robert, R. Ryder, A. Luciano
  Insufficient Gibbs sampling
  A0504:  D. Widmann
  Bayesian inference of pharmaceutical models with Pumas: A showcase of Julia for high-performance interactive computing
Session CO080 Room: 43
Advances in distributional regression Wednesday 28.8.2024   11:00 - 12:30
Chair: Thomas Kneib Organizer: Thomas Kneib
  A0307:  E. Bergherr, C. Griesbach, M. Lane
  Distributional regression for lung function of cystic fibrosis patients with a special focus on center-specific effects
  A0294:  A. Mayr, A. Stroemer, N. Klein, C. Staerk, G. Briseno Sanchez
  Enhanced variable selection for boosting sparser and less complex models in distributional regression
  A0320:  B. Saefken
  Neural distributional regression models
  A0465:  M. Herp, J. Brachem, T. Kneib, M. Altenbuchinger
  Graphical conditional transformation models
Session CO108 Room: 44
Modeling complex data with dependencies (HiTEc) Wednesday 28.8.2024   11:00 - 12:30
Chair: Sara Taskinen Organizer: Klaus Nordhausen, Sara Taskinen
  A0173:  F. Hui, M. Samuel, A. Welsh
  Adjusted predictions in generalized estimation equations
  A0325:  B. van der Veen, R. OHara
  Fast fitting of phylogenetic random effect models
  A0245:  H. Zhang, D. Cook, U. Laa, N. Langrene, P. Menendez
  Cubble: An R Package for organizing and wrangling multivariate spatio-temporal data
  A0372:  S. De Iaco
  Advances in complex-valued covariance modeling
Session CO109 Room: 051
Computational and statistical methods in clinical research Wednesday 28.8.2024   11:00 - 12:30
Chair: Maria del Carmen Pardo Organizer: Maria del Carmen Pardo
  A0366:  C. Staerk, H. Klinkhammer, T. Wistuba, C. Maj, A. Mayr
  Issues with the R-squared for the evaluation of polygenic prediction models across diverse ancestries
  A0288:  M.A. Jacome Pumar, A. Lopez-Cheda, S. Saavedra
  Estimating the cure rate in a mixture cure model using presmoothing
  A0326:  J. de Una-Alvarez
  Smoothing spline density estimation from doubly truncated data
  A0224:  M.D.C. Pardo, A. Franco-Pereira
  Relationships between summary ROC indices and overlap coefficients
Session CO096 Room: 052
Optimal experimental design and applications Wednesday 28.8.2024   11:00 - 12:30
Chair: Frank Miller Organizer: Frank Miller
  A0266:  C. Tommasi
  Discriminating among several random effects models
  A0329:  R. Harman, L. Filova, S. Rosa
  The polytope of optimal approximate designs: Extending the selection of informative experiments
  A0192:  M. Pilz, M. Kieser
  Optimal adaptive two-stage designs
  A0371:  E. Fackle-Fornius, F. Miller
  Optimizing test item calibration - with application to the Swedish national mathematics test
Session CC059 Room: 001
Multivariate data analysis Wednesday 28.8.2024   11:00 - 12:30
Chair: Bojana Milosevic Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0160:  Z. El Hadri
  Simple procedure to estimate a structural equation model with latent variables
  A0424:  K. Tsubotani, J. Tsuchida, H. Yadohisa
  Supervised dimension reduction for instrumental variables estimation with some invalid instruments
  A0443:  A. Monter-Pozos, E. Gonzalez-Estrada
  Tests for the multivariate skew-normal distribution based on data transformations
  A0154:  T. Singh
  A sequential method to search for multiple outliers in multivariate data
Session CC137 Room: 050
Practical insights in spatial statistics Wednesday 28.8.2024   11:00 - 12:30
Chair: Claudia Kirch Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0421:  Y. Takemura, F. Ishioka, K. Kurihara
  Reliability evaluation of regions within hotspot clusters using hierarchical structure of spatial data
  A0422:  F. Ishioka, Y. Takemura, K. Kurihara
  A novel method for spatial cluster detection in continuous data
  A0462:  M. Palma, S. Maggio, G. Giungato
  Geographically weighted principal components analysis and variography for environmental variables
  A0468:  R.K. Kyalo, T. Schmid, N. Wuerz
  Twofold nested error regression models with data-driven transformation
Parallel session G: COMPSTAT2024 Wednesday 28.8.2024 14:00 - 16:00

Session CV060 Room: 050
Multivariate data analysis and graphical models Wednesday 28.8.2024   14:00 - 16:00
Chair: George Karabatsos Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0383:  E. Iglesias, G. Phillips
  A small-sigma approximation for LIML and FLIML to estimation bias in the dynamic simultaneous equation model
  A0430:  E. Ballante, F.M. Quetti, S. Figini
  A Bayesian approach to ensemble clustering
  A0408:  A. Acharyya, J. Arroyo, M. Clayton, M. Zlatic, Y. Park, C. Priebe
  Response prediction with convergence guarantees in multiple random graphs on unknown manifolds
  A0486:  T.K.H. Nguyen, M. Chiogna, D. Risso
  Structure learning for zero-inflated counts, with an application to single-cell RNA sequencing data
  A0512:  H. Park
  A novel computational methodology for clinical characteristic predictive gene network estimation
Session CO114 Room: 43
Statistics on shapes and manifolds Wednesday 28.8.2024   14:00 - 16:00
Chair: Joern Schulz Organizer: Joern Schulz
  A0258:  S. Jung
  Averaging symmetric positive-definite matrices on the space of eigen-decompositions
  A0308:  C. von Tycowicz, H.-C. Hege, M. Hanik
  Bi-invariant dissimilarity measures for sample distributions in lie groups
  A0226:  E. Maignant, X. Pennec, A. Calissano
  Barycentric subspace analysis of a set of graphs
  A0363:  B. Eltzner, B. de Groot, M. Habeck, D. Rudolf, J. Hofstadler
  Maximum entropy ensemble refinement
  A0323:  J. Schulz, M. Taheri Shalmani
  Statistics on locally parametrized shapes via discrete swept skeletal representations
Session CO101 Room: 45
Variable selection, model selection and nonparametric methods Wednesday 28.8.2024   14:00 - 16:00
Chair: Marialuisa Restaino Organizer: Michele La Rocca, Marialuisa Restaino
  A0200:  P. Yu, L. Liang, Y. Zhuang
  High-dimensional variable selection in the presence of missing data
  A0254:  D. Petti, M. Niglio, M. Restaino
  BRBVS: variable ranking in copula survival models affected by general censoring scheme
  A0304:  M. Battauz, P. Vidoni
  A boosting method for variance components selection in linear mixed models
  A0341:  M.G. Schimek
  New software developments for the analysis of ranking data
  A0354:  H. Dai, W. Liang, Y. Wei, H. Huang
  Robust inference for the unification of confidence intervals in meta-analysis
Session CC046 Room: 44
Text mining Wednesday 28.8.2024   14:00 - 16:00
Chair: Francesco Audrino Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0285:  B. Prostmaier, B. Gruen, P. Hofmarcher
  Seeded Poisson factorization: Leveraging domain knowledge to fit topic models
  A0426:  E.-J. Senn, M.T. Phan
  LongFinBERT: A language model for long financial documents
  A0436:  J. Schuettler, F. Audrino, F. Sigrist
  Does sentiment help in asset pricing? A novel approach using large language models and market-based labels
  A0448:  K. Inoue, S. Yuki, Y. Terada, H. Yadohisa
  Variational inference for the keyword assisted topic models
  A0452:  N. Cabote
  Text data insights and machine learning innovations in monetary policy shock identification
Session CC027 Room: 001
Machine learning Wednesday 28.8.2024   14:00 - 16:00
Chair: Emese Lazar Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0405:  A. Bartonicek
  The hidden algebra of interactive visualization: Exploring the links between graphics, statistics, and interaction
  A0407:  E.L. Saenz Guillen, D. Dimitrova, V. Kaishev
  Enhancing geometrically designed spline regression through generalized additive models and functional gradient boosting
  A0423:  S. Hermes, J. van Heerwaarden, P. Behrouzi
  Multi-attribute preferences: A transfer learning approach
  A0503:  M. Jonker, H. Pazira, E. Massa, T. Coolen
  Bayesian federated inference for estimating statistical models based on non-shared multicenter data sets
Session CC058 Room: 051
Computational statistics Wednesday 28.8.2024   14:00 - 16:00
Chair: Stefanie Biedermann Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0398:  M. Mizuta
  Derivation of optimal solution by full enumeration for subgroup identification
  A0472:  I.-I. Roatis, E. Cohen, N. Adams
  Categorical encoding as joint optimization in predictive models
  A0158:  Y. Mao, R. Kessels, T. van der Zanden
  Constructing Bayesian optimal designs for discrete choice experiments by simulated annealing
  A0451:  L. Brusa, F. Bartolucci, F. Pennoni, R. Peruilh Bagolini
  A penalized maximum likelihood estimation for hidden Markov models to address latent state separation
  A0455:  S. Pfahler, P. Georg, R. Schill, M. Klever, L. Grasedyck, R. Spang, T. Wettig
  Taming numerical imprecision by adapting the KL divergence to negative probabilities
Session CC030 Room: 052
Forecasting Wednesday 28.8.2024   14:00 - 16:00
Chair: Thomas Fung Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0172:  C.-A. Liu, Y.-T. Chen, J.-H. Su
  Bregman model averaging for forecast combination
  A0178:  B. Kozyrev
  Forecast combination and interpretability using random subspace
  A0293:  J. Frank, J. Dovern
  Boosting XGBoost: Using the panel dimension to improve machine-learning-based forecasts in macroeconomics
  A0389:  A. Haeusser
  Univariate time series forecasting using echo state networks: An empirical application
  A0418:  A. Cerasa, A. Zani
  Enhancing electricity price forecasting accuracy: A novel filtering strategy for improved out-of-sample predictions
Parallel session H: COMPSTAT2024 Thursday 29.8.2024 09:00 - 10:00

Session CV040 Room: 051
Biostatistics Thursday 29.8.2024   09:00 - 10:00
Chair: Andreas Artemiou Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0487:  G. Goessler, V. Hofer, H. Manner, W. Goessler
  K-cover: A novel way to compare distributions in the context of drug development
  A0488:  V. Hofer, G. Goessler, H. Manner, W. Goessler
  A statistical test for the overlap of normal distributions based on generalized p-values
  A0412:  S. Ahn
  Outlier detection in mass-spectrometry data using the conformal prediction framework
Session CO125 Room: 44
Complex data (HiTEc) Thursday 29.8.2024   09:00 - 10:00
Chair: Bojana Milosevic Organizer: Ana Colubi
  A0395:  V. Batagelj
  Clustering in multiway networks
  A0489:  B. Milosevic, J. Radojevic
  On the application of kernel-based independence tests to variable selection problems
  A0495:  R. Alzbutas, T. Iesmantas, J. Sengupta
  Enhancing subarachnoid hemorrhage monitoring with AI and uncertainty analysis
Session CO094 Room: 45
Resampling methods for dependent data Thursday 29.8.2024   09:00 - 10:00
Chair: Claudia Kirch Organizer: Claudia Kirch
  A0255:  A. Dudek
  Optimal choice of bootstrap block length for periodically correlated time series
  A0291:  C. Jentsch, K. Reichold
  A bootstrap-assisted self-normalization approach to inference in cointegrating regressions
  A0314:  D. Nordman
  A practical resampling-based approach to interval estimation for spectral densities
Session CC130 Room: 001
Extreme values Thursday 29.8.2024   09:00 - 10:00
Chair: Jean Marc Bardet Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0165:  M.L. Vidagbandji, A. Berred, C. Bertelle, L. Amanton
  Generalized random forest for extreme quantile regression
  A0358:  C. Mathieu, K. Hees, R. Fried
  Modeling waiting times of clustered extreme events with application to mid-latitude winter cyclones
  A0220:  T. Moriyama
  Comparative study on tail probability estimators
Session CC136 Room: 050
Statistical models and inference for applications Thursday 29.8.2024   09:00 - 10:00
Chair: Thomas Fung Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0177:  F.G. Akgul
  Inference for multicomponent stress-strength reliability based on generalized Lindley distribution
  A0176:  F.Z. Dogru, O. Arslan
  Inference and diagnostics for a heteroscedastic partially linear model with skew heavy-tailed error distribution
  A0440:  D. Ferreira, S. Ferreira, P. Antunes, G. Neves
  Dynamic linear mixed models for time-dependent data analysis
Session CC131 Room: 052
Copulas in financial econometrics Thursday 29.8.2024   09:00 - 10:00
Chair: Massimiliano Caporin Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0403:  T. Yoshiba, K. Ito
  Dynamic asymmetric tail dependence among multi-asset classes for portfolio management: Dynamic skew-t copula approach
  A0476:  A. Mecchina, R. Pappada, N. Torelli
  Copula-based clustering of financial time series via evidence accumulation
Session CP001 Room: 43
Poster Session Thursday 29.8.2024   09:00 - 10:00
Chair: Marios Demosthenous Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0327:  S. Shvydka, V. Sarabeev, M. Zdimalova, M. Ovcharenko
  Applying regression methods to model survival data for gammarids (Amphipoda)
  A0491:  V.Y.-J. Chen, Y.-T. Lu
  Geographically weighted logistic quantile regression
Parallel session I: COMPSTAT2024 Thursday 29.8.2024 10:30 - 12:30

Session CO077 Room: 43
Fusing machine learning and statistics Thursday 29.8.2024   10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Sonja Greven Organizer: Sonja Greven
  A0247:  M. Wright
  Adversarial random forests
  A0211:  M. Spindler
  DoubleMLDeep: Estimation of causal effects with multimodal data
  A0263:  J. Schmidt-Hieber, S. Langer, G. Clara
  Dropout regularization versus L2-penalization in the linear model
  A0301:  D. Ruegamer
  Inference for semi-structured regression
  A0302:  S. Greven, M. Simnacher, X. Xu, H. Park, C. Lippert
  Deep nonparametric conditional independence tests for images
Session CO105 Room: 44
Text mining: Methods and applications (HiTEc) Thursday 29.8.2024   10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Anna Staszewska-Bystrova Organizer: Anna Staszewska-Bystrova
  A0153:  V. Naboka-Krell, P. Winker, V. Bystrov, A. Staszewska-Bystrova
  Analysing the impact of removing infrequent terms on topic quality in LDA models
  A0204:  P. Baranowski, S. Wojcik
  Textual content and academic journals selectivity: A case of economic journals
  A0213:  K. Rybinski
  Automated question answering for unveiling leadership dynamics in U.S. presidential speeches
  A0216:  A. Staszewska-Bystrova, V. Bystrov
  Goodness-of-fit testing in topic models
  A0370:  N. Belaid, I. Savin
  Startups in African agriculture sector: Insights from the computational linguistics
Session CO102 Room: 45
Clustering and classification for complex data Thursday 29.8.2024   10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Mika Sato-Ilic Organizer: Mika Sato-Ilic
  A0265:  S.-K.A. Ng, R. Tawiah, G. McLachlan
  The use of mixture models for clustering data with structured dependence
  A0300:  M. Yamamura, M. Ohishi, H. Yanagihara
  On Lasso Poisson regression for categorical variables
  A0330:  M. Sato-Ilic
  Clustering based multidimensional scaling for mixed data
  A0338:  K. Kirishima, M. Ohishi, R. Oda, K. Okamura, Y. Itoh, H. Yanagihara
  Applicability of TreeSHAP to analyze real estate data
  A0356:  M. Okabe, H. Yadohisa
  Classification method for corrupted label data using density ratio
Session CO121 Room: 051
Small area estimation and mixed models Thursday 29.8.2024   10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Domingo Morales Organizer: Domingo Morales
  A0174:  S. Sperlich, K. Reluga, G. Claeskens
  Post-selection inference for fixed and mixed parameters in linear mixed models
  A0236:  N. Wuerz, P. Krennmair, T. Schmid, N. Tzavidis
  Random forests and mixed effects random forests for small area estimation of general parameters
  A0163:  M. Bugallo, D. Morales, N. Salvati, F. Schirripa
  Temporal M-quantile models and robust bias-corrected small area predictors
  A0170:  E. Cabello, D. Morales, A. Perez Martin, M.-D. Esteban
  Small area estimation of labour force indicators under bivariate Fay-Herriot model with correlated time and area effects
  A0481:  N. Diz-Rosales, M.J. Lombardia, D. Morales
  Improving small area poverty estimates with random-slope mixed models
  A0164:  D. Morales, M.-D. Esteban, M. Bugallo, M. Marey-Perez
  Wildfire prediction using zero-inflated negative binomial mixed models: Application to Spain
Session CO123 Room: 052
Dependence measures Thursday 29.8.2024   10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Marc-Oliver Pohle Organizer: Marc-Oliver Pohle
  A0396:  G. Geenens
  Universal copulas
  A0218:  J.-L. Wermuth, M.-O. Pohle
  Proper correlation coefficients for discrete random variables
  A0379:  D. Edelmann, J. Goeman
  A Regression Perspective on Generalized Distance Covariance and the Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion
  A0269:  H. Holzmann, B. Klar
  Lancester correlation: A new dependence measure linked to maximum correlation
  A0313:  M.-O. Pohle, T. Fissler
  Generalised covariances and correlations
Session CC132 Room: 001
Financial risk Thursday 29.8.2024   10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Alessandra Amendola Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0289:  H. Kawakatsu
  Extracting macro factors in bond risk premia using a supervised method
  A0499:  R. Peiris, C. Wang, R. Gerlach, M.-N. Tran
  Semi parametric financial risk forecasting incorporating multiple realized measures
  A0276:  L. Garcia-Jorcano, M. Caporin, J.-A. Jimenez-Martin
  Diversifying risk parity portfolios with high-frequency principal components
  A0390:  L. Bauer
  Evaluating financial tail risk forecasts with the model confidence set
  A0475:  L. Petrasek, J. Kukacka
  US equity announcement risk premia
Session CC022 Room: 050
Variable and model selection Thursday 29.8.2024   10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Florian Frommlet Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0234:  S. Anatolyev
  AIC for many-regressor heteroskedastic regressions
  A0473:  M. Norouzirad, R. Moura, M. Arashi, F. Marques
  Marginalized LASSO in the difference-based partially linear model for variable selection
  A0463:  A. Caillebotte, E. Kuhn, S. Sarah Lemler
  Variable selection and estimation in non-linear mixed-effects models in high dimensional setting
  A0262:  C. Castel
  Comparison of the LASSO and IPF-LASSO methods for multi-omics data: Variable selection with Type I error control
  A0387:  M. van de Wiel
  Shapley values for regression models with interactions
Parallel session J: COMPSTAT2024 Thursday 29.8.2024 14:00 - 15:30

Session CI008 (Special Invited Session) Room: 44
Measure transportation as a tool for statistical inference (HiTEc) Thursday 29.8.2024   14:00 - 15:30
Chair: Gery Geenens Organizer: Marc Hallin
  A0215:  H. Shi, M. Hallin, M. Drton, F. Han
  Distribution-free tests of multivariate independence based on center-outward signs and ranks
  A0306:  A. Gonzalez Sanz, M. Hallin, E. del Barrio
  Nonparametric multiple-output center-outward quantile regression
  A0274:  H. Liu, M. Hallin, T. Verdebout
  Quantiles and quantile regression on Riemannian manifolds: A measure-transportation-based approach
Session CO079 Room: 43
NLP applications in social sciences (HiTEc) Thursday 29.8.2024   14:00 - 15:30
Chair: Ivan Savin Organizer: Ivan Savin
  A0182:  A. Latifi, P. Winker, D. Lenz
  Identification of innovation drivers based on technology-related news articles
  A0335:  J. Birkholz, P. Kerner
  The diffusion of green energy narratives
  A0352:  B. Minuth
  Effectiveness of mandatory CSR reporting: Improvement of firms' CSR disclosure information
  A0208:  I. Savin, J. Birkholz, P. Winker
  Exploring political narratives in European elections and their role for election success
Session CO093 Room: 45
Advances in Bayesian deep learning Thursday 29.8.2024   14:00 - 15:30
Chair: Nadja Klein Organizer: Nadja Klein
  A0284:  T.-M. Buendert, N. Klein
  Partially Bayesian neural networks for adversarial robustness
  A0362:  A. Immer
  Advances in Bayesian neural model selection
  A0367:  C. Schlauch
  Improving motion prediction in autonomous driving with expert knowledge: a Bayesian deep learning approach
  A0384:  M. Wicker
  Provable guarantees for Bayesian neural networks
Session CO104 Room: 051
High dimensional data analysis for social sciences Thursday 29.8.2024   14:00 - 15:30
Chair: Ida Camminatiello Organizer: Ida Camminatiello
  A0282:  C. Iorio, A. Gnasso, M. Aria
  Inside the black-box models through explainable decision tree ensembles
  A0310:  P. Sarnacchiaro, I. Ariante
  Composite indicators to deep diving into residents perceptions of tourism
  A0359:  A. Piscitelli, I. Camminatiello
  A study for reducing the economic inequalities among European countries
  A0316:  E. Ivaldi, L.S. Alaimo
  Italian subjective well-being: A territorial and longitudinal analysis through a poset methodology
Session CO081 Room: 052
Financial econometrics Thursday 29.8.2024   14:00 - 15:30
Chair: Roxana Halbleib Organizer: Roxana Halbleib
  A0196:  P. Adaemmer, S. Lehmann, R.A. Schuessler
  Local predictability in high dimensions
  A0228:  R. Buse, M. Schienle
  Predicting Value at Risk for cryptocurrencies with generalized random forests
  A0237:  P. Sibbertsen, J. Kreye
  Testing for a breakdown in forecast accuracy under long memory
  A0278:  Y. Okhrin
  High dimensional change point estimation onthe community structure of networks
Session CC143 Room: 001
Applied statistics and econometrics Thursday 29.8.2024   14:00 - 15:30
Chair: Marialuisa Restaino Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0425:  S.J. Cinco
  Clustering the impact: How economic realities and political institutions shaped COVID-19 fiscal responses in Africa
  A0511:  S. Kharroubi
  Use of a nonparametric Bayesian method to model health state preferences: An application to Lebanese SF-6D valuations
  A0508:  T. Akkaya-Hocagil, L. Ryan, R. Cook, S. Jacobson, J. Jacobson
  Benchmark dose profiles for bivariate exposures
  A0513:  P. Uberti, M.-L. Torrente
  Maximum diversification versus minimum risk: Which is better
Session CC039 Room: 050
Biostatistics Thursday 29.8.2024   14:00 - 15:30
Chair: Andreas Mayr Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0230:  M. Mannone, N. Marwan, P. Fazio, P. Ribino
  Brain-Network mathematical modeling for neurodegenerative disease
  A0251:  R. Adatorwovor
  A competing risk model for disease-specific or net survival estimation
  A0344:  A. Mercadie, E. Gravier, G. Josse, N. Vialaneix, C. Brouard
  A supervised NMF extension for integrating omics data
  A0474:  P. Korhonen, F. Hui, S. Taskinen, J. Niku, B. van der Veen
  Comparison of joint species distribution models for percent cover data
Parallel session K: COMPSTAT2024 Thursday 29.8.2024 16:00 - 17:30

Session CV052 Room: 001
Complex data analysis Thursday 29.8.2024   16:00 - 17:30
Chair: Claudia Cappello Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0420:  F. Severino, M. Cremona, L. Doroshenko
  Functional motif discovery in stock market prices
  A0467:  A. Mandal
  The MEM algorithm and modal clustering of functional data
  A0482:  H. Gadacha, P. Kubicki, N. Niang
  Outlier detection in mixed data
  A0483:  C. Cappello, S. De Iaco, M. Palma, K. Nordhausen
  Different approaches for modeling multivariate space-time data: A performance-based comparison
Session CV025 Room: 050
Applied statistics and empirical analyses Thursday 29.8.2024   16:00 - 17:30
Chair: Enea Bongiorno Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0500:  K. Ayinde
  Some new insights into measures of location and adopting voting technique into measures of variability
  A0401:  M. Fayaz, E. Russo, L. Di Gloria, S. Bertorello, A. Amedei
  Classical, Bayesian, and machine learning variable selection methods in colorectal cancer microbiome study: A comparison
  A0459:  M. Diaz
  Comparing curves with the discrete Frechet distance via the family of exponentiated generalized distributions
Session CV057 Room: 051
Computational statistics and applications Thursday 29.8.2024   16:00 - 17:30
Chair: Thomas Kneib Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0280:  K. Robach, S. van der Pas, M. van de Wiel, M. Hof
  A stochastic expectation maximisation approach to record linkage
  A0414:  G. Karabatsos
  Copula approximate Bayesian computation using distribution random forests
  A0217:  T. Zhan, M. Yi, I. Chervoneva
  R package QuantileGH: Quantile least Mahalanobis distance estimator for Tukey g-\&-h mixture
  A0185:  J. Kalina
  Highly robust training of regularized radial basis function networks
Session CO122 Room: 43
Advances in finite mixtures for regression and clustering Thursday 29.8.2024   16:00 - 17:30
Chair: Gabriele Soffritti Organizer: Gabriele Soffritti
  A0279:  M. Marbac, M. du Roy de Chaumaray
  Full model estimation for non-parametric multivariate finite mixture models
  A0207:  L. Bagnato, A. Punzo, S.D. Tomarchio
  Parsimonious mixtures of dimension-wise scaled normal mixtures
  A0295:  M. Gallaugher
  Mixtures of skewed regression models for clustering spatial data
  A0361:  G. Soffritti, M. Fop, M. Vitelli
  Sparse multivariate Gaussian mixture regression with covariance estimation
Session CO092 Room: 44
High-dimensionality and time series (HiTEc) Thursday 29.8.2024   16:00 - 17:30
Chair: Andreas Artemiou Organizer: Ana Colubi
  A0298:  J. Zhou
  Flexible extreme marginal quantile treatment effect in high dimensions
  A0250:  L. Soegner, C. Haefke
  Fully modified estimation of a quantile cointegration model with a spatial lag
  A0260:  A. Artemiou
  Computationally efficient SVM-based sufficient dimension reduction
  A0477:  K. Nordhausen, U. Radojicic
  Order determination in second-order source separation models using data augmentation
Session CO100 Room: 45
Advances in multivariate distributional regression Thursday 29.8.2024   16:00 - 17:30
Chair: Guillermo Briseno Sanchez Organizer: Guillermo Briseno Sanchez, Nadja Klein
  A0235:  R. Haschka
  Handling endogenous regressors in quantile regression models: Copula approach without instruments
  A0239:  L. Kock, N. Klein, D. Nott
  Deep mixture of linear mixed models for complex longitudinal data
  A0318:  V. Gioia, M. Fasiolo, R. Bellio
  Generalized additive models for smoothing covariance matrices
  A0339:  A. Stroemer, N. Klein, A. Mayr
  A model-based boosting approach to deal with dependent censoring
Session CO107 Room: 052
Computational methods for statistical learning Thursday 29.8.2024   16:00 - 17:30
Chair: Mauro Bernardi Organizer: Mauro Bernardi
  A0281:  A. Panarotto, M. Cattelan, R. Bellio
  State-space models for clustering of compositional trajectories
  A0340:  C. Mattes, W. Hart
  Learning algorithms for constrained hidden Markov models
  A0393:  P.A. Carlesi, M. Bernardi, C. Castiglione, N. Bianco
  Dynamical quantile graphical modeling
  A0346:  L. Gherardini
  Dynamic network models with time-varying nodes
Parallel session M: COMPSTAT2024 Friday 30.8.2024 09:00 - 10:30

Session CO097 Room: 43
Recent advances in design and analysis of experiments Friday 30.8.2024   09:00 - 10:30
Chair: Frederick Kin Hing Phoa Organizer: Ray-Bing Chen, Frederick Kin Hing Phoa
  A0179:  R.-B. Chen
  Optimal exact designs for small studies in toxicology with applications to hormesis via metaheuristics
  A0180:  F.K.H. Phoa, J.-W. Huang, Y.-H. Chen, Y.-H. Lin, S.P. Lin
  An efficient approach for identifying important biomarkers for biomedical diagnosis
  A0253:  Y.-H. Liao, F.K.H. Phoa, D. Woods
  Summary of effect aliasing structure for design selection and factor-column assignment for supersaturated designs
  A0271:  U. Groemping
  Criteria for assessing space filling of a design with emphasis on the stratification pattern
Session CO126 Room: 44
Tutorial: Session I (HiTEc) Friday 30.8.2024   09:00 - 10:30
Chair: Ivan Savin Organizer: HiTeC COST Action
  A0209:  I. Savin
  Topic modelling
Session CO078 Room: 45
Statistical inference for functional data Friday 30.8.2024   09:00 - 10:30
Chair: Dominik Liebl Organizer: Dominik Liebl
  A0261:  S. Otto, L. Winter
  Factor-augmented functional regression with an application to electricity price curve forecasting
  A0331:  F. Telschow, S. Davenport, T. Nichols, A. Schwartzman
  Robust FWER control in neuroimaging using random field theory
  A0275:  C. Fang, D. Liebl
  Difference-in-Differences: A Functional data perspective
  A0353:  A. Stoecker, S. Greven, L. Steyer, M. Pfeuffer
  Elastic full Procrustes analysis of plane curves via Hermitian covariance smoothing
Session CO095 Room: 052
Marketing and Innovation Friday 30.8.2024   09:00 - 10:30
Chair: Yuichi Mori Organizer: Yuichi Mori
  A0231:  M. So, S.H. Chan, A. Chu
  Graphical copula GARCH modelling with dynamic conditional dependence
  A0377:  Y. Asahi
  Analysis of consumer purchasing attitudes toward organically grown vegetables
  A0355:  A. Nakayama
  Applying machine learning approach to marketing uncovering consumer insights through big data
  A0357:  D. Baier, A. Karasenko, A. Rese
  Measuring technology acceptance over time by online customer reviews based transfer learning
Session CC034 Room: 001
Semi- and nonparametric methods Friday 30.8.2024   09:00 - 10:30
Chair: Stefan Sperlich Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0197:  A. De
  A non-parametric approach to detect patterns in binary sequences
  A0233:  C. Valvason, S. Sperlich
  Improved confidence intervals with optimal transportation theory
  A0494:  S. Zhu, A. Celisse
  $L^2$-divergence estimator with better finite sample performance
  A0466:  E. Tomilina, G. Mazo, F. Jaffrezic
  Mixed high-dimensional network inference via the Gaussian copula
Session CC035 Room: 050
Clustering Friday 30.8.2024   09:00 - 10:30
Chair: Maria Brigida Ferraro Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0201:  N. Bozkus
  Non-decimated lifting based outlier detection algorithm
  A0404:  C.A. Antonio, J.R. Lansangan
  Modified silhouette score for evaluating cluster solutions
  A0437:  S. Skhosana, S. Millard, F. Kanfer
  A new approach to estimate semi-parametric Gaussian mixtures of regressions with varying mixing proportions
Session CC139 Room: 051
Neural networks Friday 30.8.2024   09:00 - 10:30
Chair: Florian Brueck Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0187:  F. Brueck
  Generative neural networks for characteristic functions
  A0449:  A. Saenger, M. Kohler, A. Krzyzak
  Learning of deep convolutional network image classifiers via stochastic gradient descent and over-parametrization
  A0434:  A. Yara, Y. Terada
  Nonparametric estimation of conditional class probabilities using deep neural networks
Parallel session N: COMPSTAT2024 Friday 30.8.2024 11:00 - 12:00

Session CO103 Room: 43
Regression functions (HiTEc) Friday 30.8.2024   11:00 - 12:00
Chair: Matus Maciak Organizer: Matus Maciak
  A0399:  M. Maciak
  Changepoints in a nonlinear expectile model: Theoretical and computational issues
  A0438:  W. Wang
  Inference on derivatives of high-dimensional regression function with deep neural networks (NN)
  A0505:  V. Asimit
  Shrinkage estimation for multivariate linear regression
Session CO127 Room: 44
Tutorial: Session II (HiTEc) Friday 30.8.2024   11:00 - 12:00
Chair: Ivan Savin Organizer: HiTeC COST Action
  A0152:  I. Savin
  Topic modelling
Session CO120 Room: 45
Stochastic simulation in computational statistics Friday 30.8.2024   11:00 - 12:00
Chair: David Fernando Munoz Organizer: David Fernando Munoz
  A0305:  D.F. Munoz
  Simulation models for planning the electoral results program for the 2024 federal elections in Mexico
  A0317:  E. Arias Nava
  Simulation and assessment of Subway Line 7 in Mexico City public transportation
  A0382:  T.M. Rudolf
  Identification of cutting model parameters for a flat milling process
Session CO106 Room: 052
Causal machine learning Friday 30.8.2024   11:00 - 12:00
Chair: Martin Spindler Organizer: Martin Spindler
  A0183:  M. Lechner, J. Mareckova
  Comprehensive causal machine learning
  A0205:  K. Kloiber, M. Huber, L. Laffers
  Testing identification in mediation and dynamic treatment models
  A0415:  S. Yuki, K. Tanioka, H. Yadohisa
  Multivariate binary extension for W\&A-learner
Session CC015 Room: 001
Computational and financial econometrics Friday 30.8.2024   11:00 - 12:00
Chair: Francesco Audrino Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0428:  J. Chassot, F. Audrino
  HARd to beat: The overlooked impact of rolling windows in the era of machine learning
  A0328:  C. Tezza, L.V. Ballestra
  A multi-factor model for pricing commodities when volatility, interest rate and convenience yield are stochastic
  A0349:  L. Fluri
  Dense-to-sparse neural network modelling for financial statement data using feature importance attributions
Session CC031 Room: 050
Statistical modelling Friday 30.8.2024   11:00 - 12:00
Chair: Tatyana Krivobokova Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0411:  B. Liu, O. Grothe, M. Coblenz
  Copula estimation with flow copula models
  A0413:  Y. Lin, S. Nasini, M. Labbe
  A generalized voting game for categorical network choices
  A0439:  S. Ferreira, P. Antunes, D. Ferreira
  The four-parameter exponentiated Weibull exponential distribution: Theoretical properties and practical implications
Session CC066 Room: 051
Survival analysis Friday 30.8.2024   11:00 - 12:00
Chair: Shu-Kay Angus Ng Organizer: COMPSTAT
  A0388:  P. Oliveira
  Inequalities and bounds for order statistics
  A0432:  B. Monroy-Castillo, I. Van Keilegom, M.A. Jacome, R. Cao
  Assessing significance of covariates in mixture cure models using distance correlation
  A0501:  V. Djeundje
  Enhancing dynamic credit scoring with splines specification
Parallel session O: COMPSTAT2024 Friday 30.8.2024 12:10 - 13:00

Session CO128 Room: 44
Tutorial: Session III (HiTEc) Friday 30.8.2024   12:10 - 13:00
Chair: Ivan Savin Organizer: HiTeC COST Action
  A0155:  I. Savin
  Topic modelling
Parallel session P: COMPSTAT2024 Friday 30.8.2024 14:00 - 16:30

Session CO129 Room: 44
Tutorial: Session IV (HiTEc) Friday 30.8.2024   14:00 - 16:30
Chair: Ivan Savin Organizer: HiTeC COST Action
  A0157:  I. Savin
  Topic modelling