COMPSTAT 2024: Start Registration
View Submission - COMPSTAT2024
Title: Simulation models for planning the electoral results program for the 2024 federal elections in Mexico Authors:  David Fernando Munoz - Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (Mexico) [presenting]
Abstract: Since the 2018 federal elections, the Technical Unit of Computer Services of the National Electoral Institute of Mexico has used simulation models as planning tools for the execution, on the day of the elections, of the Preliminary Electoral Results Programs (PREP). For the 2024 federal elections, a simulation model was developed using the commercial software Simio. This model aims to predict the percentage of scrutiny forms published per count update (after the closure of polling booths) under different capacities of the resource pools that execute the different activities and has the capacity to simulate the exchange of resources between the different pools, according to the processing needs at different moments in the development of the processes. Due to the large number of entities and resources involved in the PREP technical operational process (PTO), the model developed in Simio requires very long running times, so it was necessary to replicate this model using subroutines specifically developed in C++ for the PREP PTO. This second model runs in significantly shorter times than the Simio model, and allowed us to obtain the results required for planning of the PREP for the 2024 federal elections. Both the development and performance of the simulation models are reported. as planning tools, and details are provided on the steps followed in building the model, such as input analysis, model verification and animation, and output analysis