The paper presentations will take place in the Teaching Building No. 4 (see floor maps). The keynote talks will take place in the Yingdong Education Building.
Rooms type
  • All the conference rooms are hybrid. They are associated with both physical and virtual rooms. In general, they accommodate in-person or hybrid sessions where some speakers are in-person, and some are online. The attendees can be either in-person or online. Exceptionally, hybrid rooms can be used for fully virtual sessions. This is indicated in the programme by adding "(virtual)" after the room's name or the session's title.
  • There is a quiet room (Room 410) that can be used by in-person participants to join sessions virtually with their devices (laptop, tablet or smartphone) and headphones.

  • Posters
    All the posters will be displayed online. In-person participants can visit the poster session in their assigned room.