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Specialized Teams
BIO: Biostatistics
Martina Mittlboeck, Francisco Javier Rubio
BS: Bayesian Statistics
Michele Guindani, Igor Pruenster, Mattias Villani
DMC: Dependence Models and Copulas
Fabrizio Durante, Ivan Kojadinovic, Wolfgang Trutschnig
DOE: Design Of Experiments
Ray-bing Chen, John Stufken
FDA: Functional Data Analysis
Frederic Ferraty, Jane-Ling Wang
HDS: High-dimensional statistics
Peter Buehlmann, Yulia Gel, Richard Samworth
IS: Imprecision in Statistics
Maria Brigida Ferraro, Gil Gonzalez-Rodriguez
LVSEM: Latent Variable and Structural Equation Models
Xinyuan Song, Hongtu Zhu
MM: Mixture Models
Salvatore Ingrassia, Tsung-I Lin, Geoff McLachlan
NPS: Non-parametric Statistics
Jochen Einbeck, Cheolwoo Park, Lixing Zhu
RS: Robust Statistics
Christophe Croux, Elvezio Ronchetti, Stefan Van Aelst
SA: Survival Analysis
Eric Beutner, Jianguo Sun
SAE: Small Area Estimation
Domingo Morales
SDS: Statistical Data Science: Methods and Computations
Ana Colubi, Erricos John Kontoghiorghes, Taps Maiti
SEA: Statistics of Extremes and Applications
Armelle Guillou, Raphael Huser, Miguel de Carvalho
SL: Statistical Learning
Andreas Christmann, Xuming He, Roy E. Welsch
TS: Times Series
Roland Fried, Piotr Fryzlewicz