The opening, keynote and closing talks will take place at the Neptune Ballroom (ground floor). The poster sessions will take place at the Hall of the mezzanine floor. The posters should be displayed only during their assigned session. The authors will be responsible for placing the posters in the poster panel displays. The maximum size of the poster is A0. Chairs are requested to keep the sessions to schedule. Papers should be presented in the order they are listed in the programme for the convenience of attendees who may wish to go to other rooms mid-session to hear particular papers. In the case of a presenter not attending, please use the extra time for a break or a discussion so that the remaining papers stay on schedule.
The lecture rooms are at the mezzanine floor. They will be equipped with a PC and a computer projector. The session chairs should obtain copies of the talks on a USB stick before the session starts (use the lecture room as the meeting place), or obtain the talks by email prior to the start of the workshop. Presenters must provide to the session chair with the files for the presentation in PDF (Acrobat) format on a USB memory stick. This must be done ten minutes before each session. The session chairs are kindly requested to have a laptop for backup.