CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue on HIGH-DIMENSIONAL AND FUNCTIONAL DATA ANALYSIS Econometrics and Statistics We are inviting submissions to the special issue of the journal Econometrics and Statistics dedicated to High-dimensional and Functional Data Analysis. Such data structures have been an important focus of methodological, theoretical and applied statistics research for over two decades, with applications areas including biostatistics, economics, finance, chemometrics, environmetrics, genetics, geophysics, and neuroimaging. The aim of this special issue is to collect research papers concerned with computational and data-analytic aspects of high-dimensional and functional data analysis. Papers in the following areas are particularly welcome, as long as they pertain to the general theme of the special issue: Classification, clustering , discrimination, prediction; Dependent data structures; Hypothesis testing and model selection; Nonparametric modeling; Statistical Learning; high-dimensional econometrics; large panels. In order to be considered for publication, a submission must have a significant novel component in either high-dimensional or functional data analysis with emphasis on methodological, computational or theoretical aspects or novel analysis of important new data sets. Authors who are uncertain about the suitability of their paper should contact the editors. Submissions will be refereed according to standard procedures for Econometrics and Statistics. Information about the journal can be found at The deadline for submissions is 30 June 2025. However, papers can be submitted at any time and once they are received, they will enter the editorial system immediately. Papers for the special issue should be submitted using the Elsevier Electronic Submission tool EM: In the EM, please choose the special issue on High-dimensional and Functional Data Analysis. The special issue Guest Editors: Frederic Ferraty, Toulouse Jean Jaures University, France Email: Enea Bongiorno, University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy Email: Erricos Kontoghiorghes, Cyprus University of Technology and Birkbeck UNiversity of London, UK Email: Jeng-Min Chiou, Academia Sinica, Taiwan Email: