Title: Financial time series modelling using artificial intelligence
Authors: Michaela Matouskova - Technical University of Liberec (Czech Republic) [presenting]
Jan Picek - Technical University of Liberec (Czech Republic)
Petr Prucha - Technical University of Liberec (Czech Republic)
Abstract: The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have showcased its powerful capabilities, leading to investigations of the efficacy of AI-powered forecasting algorithms compared to traditional methods. The focus is on comparing the performance of Prophet and Merlion, two AI-powered algorithms, with time series modelling in EViews 13 software. Historical data on commercial real estate prices in the European market were used to evaluate the accuracy of each model's predictions by comparing them to actual price movements. This comparative analysis will contribute valuable knowledge to the domain of prediction algorithms, highlighting the potential advantages and limitations of AI-powered methods in the context of financial time series modelling.