View Submission - HiTECCoDES2024
Title: Clustered Mallows model Authors:  Luiza Piancastelli - University College Dublin (Ireland) [presenting]
Nial Friel - University College Dublin (Ireland)
Abstract: Rankings are a type of preference elicitation that arises from experiments where judges are asked to arrange objects in decreasing order of utility. Orderings of an item set $\{1,\ldots, n\}$ yield permutations that reflect strict preferences amongst the objects. For various reasons, strict relations can be unrealistic assumptions in practical situations. One example is (I): the case that alternatives share common traits and henceforth could easily be indistinguishable. With moderate or large n, it becomes likely that evaluators are indifferent to some of their choices. Another possibility (II) is that, depending on the experiment, there can be a different importance attribution to the choices that form the rank. For example, judges could be mostly concerned with demonstrating their top and disfavored alternatives. In this top/bottom elicitation, middle-rank items could be close to the uniform placement of those remaining. This extends the famous Mallows model to accommodate indistinguishability, such as those in (I) and (II). The underlying groupings of items/choices within these scenarios motivate the naming clustered Mallows model (CMM). In addition to providing the flexibility to mix strict and indifference preferences, the CMM can also serve as a simplified representation of ranking data under large item sets.