EcoSta 2022: Start Registration
View Submission - EcoSta2022
Title: Guidelines on areal interpolation methods Authors:  Thibault Laurent - Universite Toulouse 1 Capitole (France) [presenting]
Anne Vanhems - University of Toulouse- TBS and TSE (France)
Van Huyen Do - University Toulouse (France)
Abstract: The objective is to delve deeper into the understanding and practical implementation of classical areal interpolation methods using R software. Based on a survey paper, we focus on four classical methods used in the area-to-area interpolation problem: point-in-polygon, areal weighting interpolation, dasymetric method with auxiliary variable and dasymetric method with control zones. Using the departmental election database for Toulouse in 2015, we find that the point-in-polygon method can be applied if the sources are much smaller than the targets; the areal interpolation method provides good results if the variable of interest is related to the area, but otherwise, a good alternative is to use the dasymetric method with another auxiliary variable; and finally, the dasymetric method with control zones allows us to benefit from both areal interpolation and dasymetric method and, from that perspective, seems to be the best method.