Title: Optimal designs for state estimation in networks
Authors: Kirsten Schorning - Technical University Dortmund (Germany) [presenting]
Abstract: A design problem is addressed, which is motivated by the study of electrical power distribution grids at medium and low-voltage levels. In a specific distribution grid, the question arises where measurements of the electrical power should be taken and how precise these measurements should be in order to get a precise estimation of the state of the grid. Due to high costs, it is not possible to use sensors to measure the electrical power at each position of the grid, and at some positions, so-called pseudo measurements have to be used instead. In order to solve this design problem, two models are considered for estimating the expected states of nodes in networks where the observations at nodes are given by random states and measurement errors. In the first model, independent successive observations at the nodes are assumed, and the design question is how often the nodes should be observed to obtain a precise estimation of the expected states. In the second model, which is more realistic in the context of electrical power distribution grids, all nodes are observed simultaneously, and the design question is to determine the nodes which need larger precision of the measurements than other nodes. It is shown that both models lead to the same design problem, and A-optimal designs are derived explicitly for simple networks that have star or wheel configurations.