Title: A study for reducing the economic inequalities among European countries
Authors: Alfonso Piscitelli - Federico II University of Naples (Italy) [presenting]
Ida Camminatiello - University of Campania L. Vanvitelli (Italy)
Abstract: The aim is to address the issue of economic inequalities among European countries, which is in line with the broader agenda of sustainable development outlined by the United Nations. A regression model will be carried out to analyse the socio-economic determinants influencing economic inequalities. The socio-economic literature suggests that the inequality measure has memory, i.e., the state at the current time depends on the state at earlier times. Several time series models have been proposed to deal with processes with memory. Such models are basically formulated as ordinary least squares regression but include lagged dependent and independent variables. Given the high-dimensional nature of the data and the limited sample size, a partial least squares regression is considered as the most suitable statistical methodology. Incorporating time series analysis into the same framework of modelling non-dynamic data can contribute to reducing complexity and difficulties, facilitating the applicability of the model for informing policy decisions and promoting sustainable development.