Title: Composite indicators to deep diving into residents perceptions of tourism
Authors: Pasquale Sarnacchiaro - University of Naples Federico II (Italy) [presenting]
Irene Ariante - University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
Abstract: Tourism represents a multi-faced phenomenon encompassing economic, social-cultural, and environmental dimensions. Residents ' perceived impacts play a crucial role in promoting sustainable tourism, and the measure of these perceptions represents strategic information for policymakers. A survey was conducted to study residents' perceptions. In particular, a questionnaire composed of 27 questions related to the three dimensions of tourism and the demographic characteristics of respondents was administered to a sample of 337 residents from the historical centre of Naples. The collected data were used for the construction of four composite indicators: an overall tourism perception indicator and three specific composite indicators for each dimension. Higher-order factor analysis has been used to estimate the indicators. Furthermore, an integrated approach of the multi-group analysis and the analysis of means (ANOM) allowed us to explore differences in perceptions between distinct sub-groups within the residents. This approach provides an understanding of significant variations in the perceptions of different clusters by offering valuable insights into the factors influencing different views on tourism.