COMPSTAT 2023: Start Registration
View Submission - COMPSTAT2023
Title: ZIP-like models for spatial count processes Authors:  Chun-Shu Chen - National Central University (Taiwan) [presenting]
Chung-Wei Shen - National Chung Cheng University (Taiwan)
Abstract: Spatial count responses with an excessive number of zeros and a set of covariates are common. To alleviate deviations from model assumptions, we propose a spatial zero-inflated Poisson-like methodology to model this type of data which only relies on the first two moments of responses. We design an iterative estimation procedure to estimate regression coefficients and variograms under the generalized estimating equation framework. Also, the stabilization of estimators is evaluated via a block jackknife method. After parameter estimation, a criterion based on the mean squared error of the estimated mean structure is proposed to select covariates. Numerical results show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.