COMPSTAT 2023: Start Registration
View Submission - COMPSTAT2023
Title: A distribution-free change-point monitoring scheme in high-dimensional settings Authors:  Niladri Chakraborty - University of the Free State (South Africa) [presenting]
Chun Fai Lui - City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Maged Ahmed - City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Abstract: Existing monitoring tools for multivariate data are often asymptotically distribution-free, computationally intensive, or require a large stretch of stable data. Many of these methods are not applicable to high-dimension, low-sample size scenarios. With rapid technological advancement, high-dimensional data has become omnipresent in industrial applications. We propose a distribution-free change-point monitoring method applicable to high-dimensional data. Through an extensive simulation study, performance comparison has been done for different parameter values, under different multivariate distributions with complex dependence structures. The proposed method is robust and efficient in detecting change points under a wide range of shifts in the process distribution. A real-life application is illustrated with the help of a high-dimensional image surveillance dataset.