COMPSTAT 2023: Start Registration
View Submission - COMPSTAT2023
Title: Tolerance interval and control chart for mixture distribution Authors:  Hsiuying Wang - National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan) [presenting]
Abstract: Tolerance intervals have wide applications in various industries, including manufacturing engineering, clinical research, and pharmaceuticals. In some manufacturing processes, defects can arise from multiple factors. In such cases, using a mixture distribution of suitable probabilistic models can be more appropriate than a simple model. The tolerance intervals for the normal mixture distribution have been studied. Tolerance intervals can also be used to establish control charts to monitor quality characteristics. An approach to constructing modified two-sided tolerance intervals for the normal mixture distribution has been proposed in the literature. The procedure for using the modified tolerance intervals is presented. It summarizes a rule for constructing the modified two-sided tolerance intervals of the normal mixture distribution, which can be extended to construct two-sided tolerance intervals for general mixture distributions. Additionally, the feasibility of using tolerance intervals to develop control charts for mixture distributions is discussed.