COMPSTAT 2023: Start Registration
View Submission - COMPSTAT2023
Title: A new phase II change point detection control chart for monitoring and diagnostics of linear profiles Authors:  Longcheen Huwang - National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan) [presenting]
Abstract: A new Phase II control chart, which is based on the change point model and combined with the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) mechanism, is proposed to monitor general linear profiles. The new control chart can be used to monitor general linear profiles when the true in-control parameters are unknown and only a few historical data are available. In addition, when the chart triggers an out-of-control signal, it cannot only estimate the location of the change point, but it can also identify which of the parameters have changed and the change directions. Using Monte-Carlo simulations, the proposed chart is shown to be effective and has good diagnostic performance. Furthermore, the simulation results show that the proposed chart performs better than the existing charts in most out-of-control scenarios considered. An example is used to illustrate how the proposed chart can be implemented in practical applications.