Title: Multivariate regression model and permutation MANOVA: Case study on mental health effects of covid-19 lockdown
Authors: Michela Borghesi - Università degli Studi di Ferrara (Italy) [presenting]
Stefano Bonnini - University of Ferrara (Italy)
Abstract: The impact of a pandemic on a global scale is not only medical strictly speaking, but also psychological, economic and social, as the pandemic of Covid-19, has generated fear, panic and psycho-emotional mass effects. The risk of developing anxiety and depression has grown exponentially, as physical distancing measures are themselves a key risk for the mental health of individuals, who have developed a condition of loneliness over the months. The purpose concerns the analysis of the effects of some factors related to the covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of individuals during the lockdown period. Given the multidimensional nature of mental health, a multivariate regression analysis was carried out on sample data concerning a survey done by the University of Milano Bicocca in Italy. The goodness of fit of the model was tested through a permutation MANOVA based on the method of combined permutation tests.