Title: Is the man-up situation really effective in women's waterpolo? A study on the 2020 European Championship
Authors: Alessandro Lubisco - University of Bologna (Italy) [presenting]
Abstract: Women's team sports are becoming more and more interesting also from a technical point of view. In women's water polo, except for the slightly smaller playing area, the rules are the same as for men: seven players teams that compete for four quarters of 8 minutes of real play. After a major foul a player is sent out of play for 20 seconds. This is the so-called extra-man play action, thought to be very significant to the final result of a match. Teams with a higher percentage of goals in extra-man offence are more likely to win the game. For this reason, coaches dedicate a lot of time to training their team to attack and defend in this particular stage of the match. A study is performed into data from the 2020 European Women's Water Polo Championships, whose aim is to identify whether extra-man actions have any elements, like for example position where shots are executed or number and speed of passages, that lead to a goal or, at least, to a good shot, meaning a ball in the goal even if it is saved.