COMPSTAT 2022: Start Registration
View Submission - COMPSTAT2022
Title: $k$-means cluster analysis: A study on cervical cancer mortality in Veracruz, Mexico Authors:  Monserrat Martinez de los Santos - Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico) [presenting]
Emmanuel Morales-Garcia - Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico)
Candy Obdulia Sosa Jimenez - Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico)
Maribel Carmona Garcia - Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico)
Abstract: Cervical Cancer is a public health problem worldwide, given that there are large numbers of deaths due to this disease. In the Mexican Republic, the rates are high. The state of Veracruz is no exception and this condition has occupied one of the first mortality reasons. $k-$means cluster has been used to classify the regions of Veracruz in order to learn about the mortality produced by this disease. Data from the cnegsr have been used. The first cluster obtained is characterized by women with complete basic education, who had basic medical service, aged between 40 and 60 years and belonging to the region, Olmec and capital (1). While cluster two presents women between 50 and 89 years old, 59\% had some medical service, with incomplete basic education. They belong to the regions, Olmec, Capital Mountains and Totonacapan. Finally, cluster three contained women between 45 and 79 years, basic education to higher, with medical insurance, mainly from mountains, Olmec, leeward and the capital.