Title: A leading author model for the popularity effect on scientific collaboration
Authors: Hohyun Jung - Sungshin Women's University (Korea, South)
Frederick Kin Hing Phoa - Academia Sinica (Taiwan) [presenting]
Mahsa Ashouri - Academia Sinica (Taiwan)
Abstract: The focus is on the popularity effect of the scientific collaboration process that popular authors have an advantage in making more publications. Standard network analysis has been used to analyze the scientific collaboration network. However, the standard network has limitations in explaining the scientific output by binary co-authorship relationships since papers have various numbers of authors. We propose a leading author model to understand the popularity effect mechanism while avoiding the use of the standard network structure. The estimation algorithm is presented to analyze the size of the popularity effect. Moreover, we can find influential authors through the estimated genius levels of authors by considering the popularity effect. We apply the proposed model to the real scientific collaboration data, and the results show positive popularity effects in all the collaborative systems. Furthermore, finding influential authors considering the genius level is discussed.