Title: Constructing optimal order-of-addition designs using latin squares
Authors: Shin-Fu Tsai - National Taiwan University (Taiwan) [presenting]
Abstract: Efficient order-of-addition designs can be very useful to study the impact of varying addition orders of several components in some industrial, chemical and pharmaceutical processes. We will introduce a systematic method to construct optimal order-of-addition designs. Based on the pairwise order model, a series of optimal and near-optimal designs can be easily generated by juxtaposing several isotopic Latin squares. First, an exchange algorithm will be introduced to search for efficient designs by performing column permutation on cyclic Latin squares. Next, when a small optimal design is generated by the proposed algorithm, a large optimal design can be obtained using a recursive method. By combining these approaches, many new optimal designs can be generated for real-world applications. The proposed designs are further compared with competing designs generated by conventional software. The results show that the proposed designs are often more efficient for estimating unknown parameters.