COMPSTAT 2016: Start Registration
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Title: An integrative framework for evaluating scientific research Authors:  Luiza Badin - Bucharest University of Economic Studies (Romania)
Silvia Dedu - Bucharest University of Economic Studies (Romania)
Anca-Teodora Serban-Oprescu - Bucharest University of Economic Studies (Romania) [presenting]
Florentin Serban - Bucharest University of Economic Studies (Romania)
Abstract: Latest trends in evaluating performance in Research and Development show that advanced methodologies in econometrics and operations research have proved extremely useful and relevant in analyzing efficiency and productivity of various activity types, including scientific research. The aim is to review the latest conceptual approaches, methodologies and research tools from a complex inter and trans-disciplinary perspective. Advocating for the assessment of scientific research in an integrative manner, subscribed to the logic of a society based on knowledge and innovation, we propose a general framework for analyzing scientific research performance based on flexible nonparametric models which include exogenous factors with essential role in research evaluation. Taking into account cross-disciplinary factors considered so far in separate contexts, the analysis may lead towards a broader and multifaceted appraisal of scientific research.