COMPSTAT 2016: Start Registration
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Title: An R commander plug-in for fitting generalized Waring regression models Authors:  Maria Jose Olmo-Jimenez - University of Jaen (Spain) [presenting]
Silverio Vilchez-Lopez - IES Las Fuentezuelas (Spain)
Antonio Jose Saez-Castillo - Universidad de Jaen (Spain)
Abstract: The generalized Waring regression model (GWRM) for overdispersed count data has the ability to split the variability of the response variable into three components: randomness, liability and proneness. This is one of the reasons why this model is being widely used in different fields. An R package, available in the comprehensive R archive network (CRAN), also called GWRM, was developed for fitting, describing and validating this model, but the use of the package requires to know the R programming language. In order to spread the use of the regression model and contribute to their knowledge among non-advanced users of R, a plug-in for R Commander, a basic statistics graphical user interface for R, is presented. The plugin, called RcmdrPlugin.GWRM, can be also downloaded from CRAN. To illustrate its usage and the menu options, an example is included.