COMPSTAT 2016: Start Registration
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Title: The finite iterative method for the computation of the correlation matrix implied by a structural recursive model Authors:  Mohamed Hanafi - ONIRIS (France) [presenting]
Zouhair El Hadri - Mohammed V University (Morocco)
El Kettani Yousfi - Kenitra University (Morocco)
Abstract: Structural Equation Modeling is a multivariate powerful technique used for analyzing causal relationship between hypothetical constructs. The computation of the covariance (or correlation) matrix implied by the model is a crucial step in this approach. Usually, the method used for this task is called Jorskog method. An alternative and a new method called the Finite Iterative Method (FIM) is introduced. Recently, this method has been published for models without latent variables (Path Analysis). Its extension to the structural equation models with latent variables is considered. The efficiency of the Finite Iterative Method compared with the known one will be discussed. How the new method allows simple procedures for the estimation of the parameters in Structural Equation Modeling is suggested.