Title: Using computer adaptive testing to improve migraine outcomes
Authors: Erin Buchanan - Harrisburg University of Science and Technology (United States) [presenting]
Abstract: Computer adaptive testing allows for personalized examination of an underlying trait to precisely pinpoint an individuals' measurement of their trait level. Migraine is a multifaceted disease, with varied symptomology and treatment options. Current assessment tools for migraine focus on head pain, ignoring patient concerns beyond pain relief such as social interaction, completing day-to-day activities, and provider and financial worries. Recent funding opportunities indicate an interest in providing digital healthcare solutions that are tailored to patients for improved shared decision making at the point of care. Statistical tools can provide the necessary customization of measurement delivery, and this presentation will focus on the application of item response theory and computer adaptive testing to the assessment of migraine symptomology. The item response theory and adaptive testing approach will be contrasted with the traditional development of measurement scales using classical test theory and exploratory factor analysis to demonstrate statistical results that each provides for patient reported-outcome measurement.