Title: Graphical and thresholding local Whittle estimation
Authors: Marie Duker - FAU Erlangen (Germany) [presenting]
Abstract: The long-run variance matrix and its inverse, the so-called precision matrix, give, respectively, information about correlations and partial correlations between dependent component series of multivariate time series around zero frequency. Non-asymptotic theory is presented for estimation of the long-run variance and precision matrices for high-dimensional Gaussian time series under general assumptions on the dependence structure including long-range dependence. The results for thresholding and penalizing versions of the classical local Whittle estimator ensure consistent estimation in a possibly high-dimensional regime. The highlight is a concentration inequality of the local Whittle estimator for the long-run variance matrix around the true model parameters. In particular, it handles simultaneously the estimation of the memory parameters which enter the underlying model. An application to financial data will also be shown.