CFE 2015: Start Registration
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Topic: Contributions on financial time series and risk premia Title: On the tail risk premium in the crude oil futures market Authors:  Reinhard Ellwanger - Bank of Canada (Canada) [presenting]
Abstract: Oil prices are notoriously difficult to forecast and exhibit wild swings or excess volatility that are difficult to rationalize by changes in fundamentals alone. An explanation is offered for these phenomena based on time varying disaster probabilities and disaster fears. Using information from crude oil options and futures we document economically large jump tail premia in the crude oil futures market: a substantial fraction of the average futures and variance risk premium is accounted for by the compensation for rare events. These tail risk premia vary substantially over time and significantly forecast crude oil futures and spot returns. The results suggest that oil futures prices overshoot (undershoot) in the presence of upside (downside) tail fears in order to allow for smaller (larger) risk premia thereafter. We show that this overshooting (undershooting) is amplified for the spot price because of time varying benefits from holding inventory that work in the same direction. The novel oil price uncertainty measures yield additional insights into the relationship between the oil market and macroeconomic outcomes.