EcoSta 2022: Start Registration
View Submission - EcoSta2022
Title: Time-frequency analysis of scalp EEG with Hilbert-Huang transform and deep learning Authors:  Jingyi Zheng - Auburn University (United States) [presenting]
Abstract: Electroencephalography (EEG) is a brain imaging approach widely used in neuroscience and clinical settings. The conventional EEG analyses usually require pre-defined frequency bands when characterizing neural oscillations and extracting features for classifying EEG signals. However, neural responses are naturally heterogeneous. Failure to account for such variations might result in information loss and classifiers with a low accuracy but high variation across individuals. To address these issues, we present a systematic time-frequency analysis approach for analyzing scalp EEG signals. In particular, we propose a data-driven method to compute the subject-specific frequency bands for brain oscillations via the Hilbert-Huang Transform, lifting the restriction of using fixed frequency bands for all subjects. Then, we propose two novel metrics to quantify the power and frequency aspects of brainwaves represented by sub-signals decomposed from the EEG signals. The effectiveness of the proposed metrics is tested on two scalp EEG datasets and compared with four commonly used feature sets extracted from wavelet and Hilbert-Huang Transform. The validation results show that the proposed metrics are more discriminatory than other features leading to accuracies in the range of 94.93\% to 99.84\%. Besides classification, the proposed metrics show great potential in the quantification of neural oscillations and serve as biomarkers in neuroscience research.