EcoSta 2021: Start Registration
View Submission - EcoSta2021
Title: Estimating mode effects from a sequential mixed-modes experiment Authors:  Yanchun Bao - University of Essex (United Kingdom) [presenting]
Paul Clarke - University of Essex (United Kingdom)
Abstract: The large-scale household panel study Understanding Society (The U.K. Household Longitudinal Study UKHLS) has, until recently, used interviewers to administer its questionnaires but is now in the process of allowing individuals to participate using the web. Survey data are known to be affected by survey mode, so a sequential mode-effects experiment was carried out to evaluate the impact of this change on the panel. We present a novel estimator and analysis strategy to quantify the impact of mode across a wide range of variables, with large mode effects on the covariance of a pair of variables used to indicate an increased risk that statistical analyses involving this pair will be affected.