EcoSta 2019: Start Registration
View Submission - EcoSta2019
Title: Confidence interval for the difference between two median survival times with semiparametric transformation models Authors:  Yu-Mei Chang - Tunghai University (Taiwan) [presenting]
Abstract: In medical studies, the focus is usually on comparing the treatment effects of the drug according to the difference of two median survival times. We consider the problem of constructing conditional confidence interval for the difference of two median survival times given the covariates under a general class of the semiparametric transformation models with right-censored data. We propose two methods for constructing the conditional confidence intervals. One is based on the estimating equations (EE) estimator and the other on the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator. Simulation results indicate that both methods provide satisfactory coverages for finite sample. We illustrate the proposed method using a real data set in a two-arm non-small cell lung cancer study.