EcoSta 2017: Start Registration
View Submission - EcoSta2017
Title: Spatial capture-recapture models in continuous-time Authors:  Matthew Schofield - University of Otago (New Zealand) [presenting]
Abstract: A key assumption in standard mark-recapture models is that of instantaneous sampling. This may not be appropriate, e.g. when sampling is conducted over several days, weeks or longer. It can be difficult to determine how many discrete sampling occasions to use and they are often determined arbitrarily. If animals are caught multiple times within a sampling occasion they are typically collapsed to an indicator that denotes that it was caught at least once. An alternative is to consider continuous-time models. We explore how spatial location can be incorporated into continuous-time capture-recapture models. We use notions of ancillarity to understand such models, exploring what information is used to inform various aspects of the model. We show how the models we develop can be used for straightforward model fitting.