CMStatistics 2019: Start Registration
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Title: Machine learning algorithms for profiling of Russian digital entrepreneurs: Social network data analysis Authors:  Margarita Gladkova - Saint Petersburg State University (Russia) [presenting]
Evgenii Gilenko - Saint Petersburg State University (Russia)
Abstract: When implementing their business ideas, young entrepreneurs are increasingly turning to the digital form of business, because it allows them to quickly attract the target audience (specifically in Russia, more than 75\% of the population are Internet users, 83\% of whom have social network accounts), quickly respond to changing audience needs, get more information about customers and the market as a whole. The biggest Russian social network VKontakte accounts more than 400 thousand businesses. The aim is to study digital business presented in social networks, entrepreneurs' motives for its creation, features of the digital business and its interaction with the clients. The detailed portraits of entrepreneurs operating on a digital platform and classification of businesses are created with the help of the modern methods of statistical analysis and machine learning.