CMStatistics 2016: Start Registration
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Title: Exact post model selection inference: Confidence sets based on the lasso Authors:  Ulrike Schneider - Vienna University of Technology (Austria) [presenting]
Karl Ewald - Vienna University of Technology (Austria)
Abstract: In a linear regression model with fixed dimension, we construct confidence sets for the unknown parameter vector based on the Lasso estimator in finite samples as well as in an asymptotic setup, thereby quantifying estimation uncertainty of this estimator. In finite samples with Gaussian errors and asymptotically in the case where the Lasso estimator is tuned to perform conservative model selection, we derive formulas for computing the minimal coverage probability over the entire parameter space for a large class of shapes for the confidence sets, thus enabling the construction of valid confidence sets based on the Lasso estimator in these settings. The choice of shape for the confidence sets and comparison with the confidence ellipse based on the least-squares estimator is also discussed.