CFE 2020: Start Registration
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Title: What drives labour market success: Empirical analysis of university graduates Authors:  Sylwia Roszkowska - University of Lodz (Poland) [presenting]
Paulina Hojda - Jagiellonian University (Poland)
Mariusz Trojak - Jagiellonian University (Poland)
Abstract: The purpose is to assess the factors determining the success of university graduates in the labour market. Success is measured in a narrow way as the simultaneous occurrence of work in accordance with the field of study, pay above the average in the economy and job satisfaction. We also use the measure of broad success - in this case, we talk about success when at least one of the above mentioned features exists. We use data from the survey of graduates of the oldest university in Poland. We analyse four editions of this study. The obtained results indicate that success on the labour market is influenced not only by the completed field of study, but also by the activity undertaken during the studies, type of studies and demographic features. The results also confirm the premises of behavioural theory.