CFE 2020: Start Registration
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Title: Fusion estimation in networked systems using fading measurements subject to transmission delays and losses Authors:  Raquel Caballero-Aguila - Universidad de Jaen (Spain)
Aurora Hermoso-Carazo - Universidad de Granada (Spain) [presenting]
Josefa Linares-Perez - Universidad de Granada (Spain)
Abstract: The signal estimation problem in multisensor systems has gradually become a meaningful topic of research in recent years. It has been well recognized that random imperfections are frequently found in networked systems which, if not addressed properly, are likely to impair the estimators performance. For this reason, considerable effort has been directed towards the analysis of models involving these phenomena and the design of estimation algorithms that do not neglect their effects. One of the most common phenomena of uncertainty in networked systems is the fading or degradation of the measurements, that can be due, for example, to restrictions of the physical equipment, or inaccuracy of the measurement devices. In addition, during the transmission to the processing center, the data packets may suffer random delays and/or losses, owing to unreliable communications, limited-capability or congestions. The focus is on the fusion estimation problem in networked systems from fading measurements, by assuming that the transmission is subject to random one-step delays and non-consecutive losses, and these uncertainties occur with different rates at the different sensors. Using a covariance-based approach and compensating the losses with the last measurement received, a recursive algorithm is designed for the distributed fusion estimation problem.