CFE 2017: Start Registration
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Title: Optimal allocation for response-adaptive designs Authors:  Yanqing Yi - Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada) [presenting]
Abstract: A new allocation proportion is derived by using differential equation methods for response-adaptive designs. This new allocation is compared with the balanced and the Neyman allocations and other optimal allocations from an ethical point of view and statistical power performance. Theoretically, the new allocation is proven to have the ethical advantages of allocating more than 50\% of patients to the better treatment. It also allocates higher proportion of patients to the better treatment than the existing adaptive optimal allocation for success probabilities larger than 0.5. The statistical power under the proposed allocation is compared with the existing allocations through simulation. The simulation results indicate that the statistical power under the proposed allocation proportion is similar as to those under the balanced, the Neyman and the existing adaptive optimal allocations.